cgatools version 1.8.0 build 1
usage: cgatools COMMAND [ options ] [ positionalArgs ]

For help on a particular command CMD, try "cgatools help CMD".
Available commands:
    help               Prints help information.
    man                Prints the cgatools reference manual.
    fasta2crr          Converts fasta reference files to the crr format.
    crr2fasta          Converts a crr reference file to the fasta format.
    listcrr            Lists chromosomes, contigs, or ambiguous sequences of a 
                       crr file.
    decodecrr          Prints the reference sequence for a given reference 
    snpdiff            Compares snp calls to a Complete Genomics variant file.
    calldiff           Compares two Complete Genomics variant files.
    listvariants       Lists the variants present in a variant file.
    testvariants       Tests variant files for presence of variants.
    evidence2sam       Converts CGI variant evidence data into SAM format.
    join               Joins two tab-delimited files based on equal fields or 
                       overlapping regions.
    junctiondiff       Reports difference between junction calls of Complete 
                       Genomics junctions files.
    junctions2events   Groups and annotates junction calls by event type.
    generatemastervar  Converts a variation file to a one-line-per-locus 
    varfilter          Copies input var file or masterVar file to output, 
                       applying specified filters.
    mkvcf              Converts var file(s) or masterVar file(s) to VCF.


    help - Prints help information.

  -h [ --help ] 
        Print this help message.

  --command arg
        The command to describe.

  --format arg (=text)
        The format of the output stream (text or html).

  --output arg (=STDOUT)
        The output file (may be omitted for stdout).


    man - Prints the cgatools reference manual.

  -h [ --help ] 
        Print this help message.

  --output arg (=STDOUT)
        The output file (may be omitted for stdout).

  --format arg (=text)
        The format of the output stream (text or html).


    fasta2crr - Converts fasta reference files to the crr format.

  -h [ --help ] 
        Print this help message.

  --input arg
        The input fasta files (may be passed in as arguments at the end of the 
        command, or omitted for stdin). Take care to specify the fasta files in
        chromosome order; ordering is important. To work with human Complete 
        Genomics data, the chromosome order should be chr1...chr22, chrX, chrY,

  --output arg
        The output crr file.

  --circular arg
        A comma-separated list of circular chromosome names. If ommitted, 
        defaults to chrM.


    crr2fasta - Converts a crr reference file to the fasta format.

  -h [ --help ] 
        Print this help message.

  --input arg
        The input crr file (may be passed in as argument at the end of the 

  --output arg (=STDOUT)
        The output fasta file (may be omitted for stdout).

  --line-width arg (=50)
        The maximum width of a line of sequence.


    listcrr - Lists chromosomes, contigs, or ambiguous sequences of a crr file.

    For mode=chromosome, prints a space-separated table describing each 
    chromosome within the reference. The columns are defined as follows:
        ChromosomeId A numeric identifier for the chromosome.
        Chromosome   The name of the chromosome.
        Length       The length in bases of the chromosome.
        Circular     Boolean indicating if the chromosome is circular.
        Md5          Md5 of the string containing the upper case IUPAC code for
                     each base in the chromosome (spaces and dashes are 
    For mode=contig, prints a space-separated table describing each gap and 
    each contig within the reference. Here, a gap between contigs is defined as
    any stretch of min-contig-gap-length or more no-called reference bases (N 
    character). The columns are defined as follows:
        ChromosomeId A numeric identifier for the chromosome.
        Chromosome   The name of the chromosome.
        Type         Either CONTIG or GAP.
        Offset       The 0-based offset of the start of the contig or gap 
                     within the chromosome.
        Length       The length in bases of the contig or gap.
    For mode=ambiguity, prints a space-separated table describing each run of 
    ambiguity codes within the reference. The columns are defined as follows:
        ChromosomeId A numeric identifier for the chromosome.
        Chromosome   The name of the chromosome.
        Code         The IUPAC code for the region.
        Offset       The 0-based offset of the run of ambiguity codes in the 
        Length       The length in bases of the run of ambiguity codes.

  -h [ --help ] 
        Print this help message.

  --reference arg
        The reference crr file (may be passed in as argument at the end of the 

  --output arg (=STDOUT)
        The output file (may be omitted for stdout).

  --mode arg (=chromosome)
        One of chromosome, contig, or ambiguity.

  --min-contig-gap-length arg (=50)
        Minimum length of gap between reference contigs, for mode=contig.


    decodecrr - Prints the reference sequence for a given reference range.

  -h [ --help ] 
        Print this help message.

  --reference arg
        The reference crr file (may be passed in as argument at the end of the 

  --output arg (=STDOUT)
        The output file (may be omitted for stdout).

  --range arg
        The range of bases to print (chr,begin,end or chr:begin-end).


    snpdiff - Compares snp calls to a Complete Genomics variant file.

    Compares the snp calls in the "genotypes" file to the calls in a Complete 
    Genomics variant file. The genotypes file is a tab-delimited file with at 
    least the following columns (additional columns may be given):
        Chromosome      (Required) The name of the chromosome.
        Offset0Based    (Required) The 0-based offset in the chromosome.
        GenotypesStrand (Optional) The strand of the calls in the Genotypes 
                        column (+ or -, defaults to +).
        Genotypes       (Optional) The calls, one per allele. The following 
                        calls are recognized:
                        A,C,G,T A called base.
                        N       A no-call.
                        -       A deleted base.
                        .       A non-snp variation.
    The output is a tab-delimited file consisting of the columns of the 
    original genotypes file, plus the following additional columns:
        Reference         The reference base at the given position.
        VariantFile       The calls made by the variant file, one per allele. 
                          The character codes are the same as is described for 
                          the Genotypes column.
        DiscordantAlleles (Only if Genotypes is present) The number of 
                          Genotypes alleles that are discordant with calls in 
                          the VariantFile. If the VariantFile is described as 
                          haploid at the given position but the Genotypes is 
                          diploid, then each genotype allele is compared 
                          against the haploid call of the VariantFile.
        NoCallAlleles     (Only if Genotypes is present) The number of 
                          Genotypes alleles that were no-called by the 
                          VariantFile. If the VariantFile is described as 
                          haploid at the given position but the Genotypes is 
                          diploid, then a VariantFile no-call is counted twice.
    The verbose output is a tab-delimited file consisting of the columns of the
    original genotypes file, plus the following additional columns:
        Reference   The reference base at the given position.
        VariantFile The call made by the variant file for one allele (there is 
                    a line in this file for each allele). The character codes 
                    are the same as is described for the Genotypes column.
        [CALLS]     The rest of the columns are pasted in from the VariantFile,
                    describing the variant file line used to make the call.
    The stats output is a comma-separated file with several tables describing 
    the results of the snp comparison, for each diploid genotype. The tables 
    all describe the comparison result (column headers) versus the genotype 
    classification (row labels) in different ways. The "Locus classification" 
    tables have the most detailed match classifications, while the "Locus 
    concordance" tables roll these match classifications up into "discordance" 
    and "no-call". A locus is considered discordant if it is discordant for 
    either allele. A locus is considered no-call if it is concordant for both 
    alleles but has a no-call on either allele. The "Allele concordance" 
    describes the comparison result on a per-allele basis.

  -h [ --help ] 
        Print this help message.

  --reference arg
        The input crr file.

  --variants arg
        The input variant file.

  --genotypes arg
        The input genotypes file.

  --output-prefix arg
        The path prefix for all output reports.

  --reports arg (=Output,Verbose,Stats)
        Comma-separated list of reports to generate. A report is one of:
            Output  The output genotypes file.
            Verbose The verbose output file.
            Stats   The stats output file.

    0.3 or later


    calldiff - Compares two Complete Genomics variant files.

    Compares two Complete Genomics variant files. Divides the genome up into 
    superloci of nearby variants, then compares the superloci. Also refines the
    comparison to determine per-call or per-locus comparison results.
    Comparison results are usually described by a semi-colon separated string, 
    one per allele. Each allele's comparison result is one of the following 
        ref-identical   The alleles of the two variant files are identical, and
                        they are consistent with the reference.
        alt-identical   The alleles of the two variant files are identical, and
                        they are inconsistent with the reference.
        ref-consistent  The alleles of the two variant files are consistent, 
                        and they are consistent with the reference.
        alt-consistent  The alleles of the two variant files are consistent, 
                        and they are inconsistent with the reference.
        onlyA           The alleles of the two variant files are inconsistent, 
                        and only file A is inconsistent with the reference.
        onlyB           The alleles of the two variant files are inconsistent, 
                        and only file B is inconsistent with the reference.
        mismatch        The alleles of the two variant files are inconsistent, 
                        and they are both inconsistent with the reference.
        phase-mismatch  The two variant files would be consistent if the 
                        hapLink field had been empty, but they are 
        ploidy-mismatch The superlocus did not have uniform ploidy.
    In some contexts, this classification is rolled up into a simplified 
    classification, which is one of "identical", "consistent", "onlyA", 
    "onlyB", or "mismatch".
    A good place to start looking at the results is the superlocus-output file.
    It has columns defined as follows:
        SuperlocusId   An identifier given to the superlocus.
        Chromosome     The name of the chromosome.
        Begin          The 0-based offset of the start of the superlocus.
        End            The 0-based offset of the base one past the end of the 
        Classification The match classification of the superlocus.
        Reference      The reference sequence.
        AllelesA       A semicolon-separated list of the alleles (one per 
                       haplotype) for variant file A, for the phasing with the 
                       best comparison result.
        AllelesB       A semicolon-separated list of the alleles (one per 
                       haplotype) for variant file B, for the phasing with the 
                       best comparison result.
    The locus-output file contains, for each locus in file A and file B that is
    not consistent with the reference, an annotated set of calls for the locus.
    The calls are annotated with the following columns:
        SuperlocusId            The id of the superlocus containing the locus.
        File                    The variant file (A or B).
        LocusClassification     The locus classification is determined by the 
                                varType column of the call that is inconsistent
                                with the reference, concatenated with a 
                                modifier that describes whether the locus is 
                                heterozygous, homozygous, or contains no-calls.
                                If there is no one variant in the locus (i.e., 
                                it is heterozygous alt-alt), the locus 
                                classification begins with "other".
        LocusDiffClassification The match classification for the locus. This is
                                defined to be the best of the comparison of the
                                locus to the same region in the other file, or 
                                the comparison of the superlocus.
    The somatic output file contains a list of putative somatic variations of 
    genome A. The output includes only those loci that can be classified as 
    snp, del, ins or sub in file A, and are called reference in the file B. 
    Every locus is annotated with the following columns:
        VarCvgA                 The totalReadCount from file A for this locus 
                                (computed on the fly if file A is not a 
                                masterVar file).
        VarScoreA               The varScoreVAF from file A, or varScoreEAF if 
                                the "--diploid" option is used.
        RefCvgB                 The maximum of the uniqueSequenceCoverage 
                                values for the locus in genome B.
        RefScoreB               Minimum of the reference scores of the locus in
                                genome B.
        SomaticCategory         The category used for determining the 
                                calibrated scores and the SomaticRank.
        VarScoreACalib          The calibrated variant score of file A, under 
                                the model selected by using or not using the 
                                "--diploid" option, and corrected for the count
                                of heterozygous variants observed in this 
                                genome. See user guide for more information.
        VarScoreBCalib          The calibrated reference score of file B, under
                                the model selected by using or not using the 
                                "--diploid" option, and corrected for the count
                                of heterozygous variants observed in this 
                                genome. See user guide for more information.
        SomaticRank             The estimated rank of this somatic mutation, 
                                amongst all true somatic mutations within this 
                                SomaticCategory. The value is a number between 
                                0 and 1; a value of 0.012 means, for example, 
                                that an estimated 1.2% of the true somatic 
                                mutations in this somaticCategory have a 
                                somaticScore less than the somaticScore for 
                                this mutation. See user guide for more 
        SomaticScore            An integer that provides a total order on 
                                quality for all somatic mutations. It is equal 
                                to -10*log10( P(false)/P(true) ), under the 
                                assumption that this genome has a rate of 
                                somatic mutation equal to 1/Mb for 
                                SomaticCategory snp, 1/10Mb for SomaticCategory
                                ins, 1/10Mb for SomaticCategory del, and 1/20Mb
                                for SomaticCategory sub. The computation is 
                                based on the assumptions described in the user 
                                guide, and is affected by choice of variant 
                                model selected by using or not using the 
                                "--diploid" option.

  -h [ --help ] 
        Print this help message.

  --reference arg
        The input crr file.

  --variantsA arg
        The "A" input variant file.

  --variantsB arg
        The "B" input variant file.

  --output-prefix arg
        The path prefix for all output reports.

  --reports arg (=SuperlocusOutput,SuperlocusStats,LocusOutput,LocusStats)
        Comma-separated list of reports to generate. (Beware any reports whose 
        name begins with "Debug".) A report is one of:
            SuperlocusOutput      Report for superlocus classification.
            SuperlocusStats       Report for superlocus classification stats.
            LocusOutput           Report for locus classification.
            LocusStats            Report for locus stats.
            VariantOutput         Both variant files annotated by comparison 
                                  results.If the somatic output report is 
                                  requested, file A is also annotated with the 
                                  same score ranks as produced in that report.
            SomaticOutput         Report for the list of simple variations that
                                  are present only in file "A", annotated with 
                                  the score that indicates the probability of 
                                  the variation being truly somatic. Requires 
                                  beta, genome-rootA, and genome-rootB options 
                                  to be provided as well. Note: generating this
                                  report slows calldiff by 10x-20x.
            DebugCallOutput       Report for call classification.
            DebugSuperlocusOutput Report for debug superlocus information.
            DebugSomaticOutput    Report for distribution estimates used for 
                                  somatic rescoring. Only produced if 
                                  SomaticOutput is also turned on.

        Uses varScoreEAF instead of varScoreVAF in somatic score computations. 
        Also, uses diploid variant model instead of variable allele mixture 

  --locus-stats-column-count arg (=15)
        The number of columns for locus compare classification in the locus 
        stats file.

  --max-hypothesis-count arg (=32)
        The maximum number of possible phasings to consider for a superlocus.

        Turns off validation that all bases of a chromosome are covered by 
        calls of the variant file.

  --genome-rootA arg
        The "A" genome directory, for example /data/GS00118-DNA_A01; this 
        directory is expected to contain ASM/REF and ASM/EVIDENCE 

  --genome-rootB arg
        The "B" genome directory.

  --calibration-root arg
        The directory containing calibration data. For example, there should 
        exist a file calibration-root/0.0.0/metrics.tsv.

        This flag enables the SomaticOutput report, which is beta 

    0.3 or later


    listvariants - Lists the variants present in a variant file.

    Lists all called variants present in the specified variant files, in a 
    format suitable for processing by the testvariants command. The output is a
    tab-delimited file consisting of the following columns:
        variantId  Sequential id assigned to each variant.
        chromosome The chromosome of the variant.
        begin      0-based reference offset of the beginning of the variant.
        end        0-based reference offset of the end of the variant.
        varType    The varType as extracted from the variant file.
        reference  The reference sequence.
        alleleSeq  The variant allele sequence as extracted from the variant 
        xRef       The xRef as extrated from the variant file.

  -h [ --help ] 
        Print this help message.

        This is a beta command. To run this command, you must pass the --beta 

  --reference arg
        The reference crr file.

  --output arg (=STDOUT)
        The output file (may be omitted for stdout).

  --variants arg
        The input variant files (may be passed in as argument at the end of the

  --variant-listing arg
        The output of another listvariants run, to be merged in to produce the 
        output of this run.

        In addition to listing short variants, list longer variants as well 
        (10's of bases) by concatenating nearby calls.

    0.3 or later


    testvariants - Tests variant files for presence of variants.

    Tests variant files for presence of variants. The output is a tab-delimited
    file consisting of the columns of the input variants file, plus a column 
    for each assembly results file that contains a character code for each 
    allele. The character codes have meaning as follows:
        0 This allele of this genome is consistent with the reference at this 
          locus but inconsistent with the variant.
        1 This allele of this genome has the input variant at this locus.
        N This allele of this genome has no-calls but is consistent with the 
          input variant.

  -h [ --help ] 
        Print this help message.

        This is a beta command. To run this command, you must pass the --beta 

  --reference arg
        The reference crr file.

  --input arg (=STDIN)
        The input variants to test for.

  --output arg (=STDOUT)
        The output file (may be omitted for stdout).

  --variants arg
        The input variant files (may be passed in as arguments at the end of 
        the command).

    0.3 or later


    evidence2sam - Converts CGI variant evidence data into SAM format.

    The evidence2sam converter takes as input evidence mapping files 
    (evidenceDnbs-*) and generates one SAM file as an output. The output is 
    sent into stdout by default. By default, all the evidence mapping records 
    from the input are converted into a pair of corresponding SAM records - one
    record for each HalfDNB. The negative gaps in CGI mappings are represented 
    using GS/GQ/GC tags.

  -h [ --help ] 
        Print this help message.

        This is a beta command. To run this command, you must pass the --beta 

  -e [ --evidence-dnbs ] arg
        Input evidence dnbs file.

  -s [ --reference ] arg
        Reference file.

  -o [ --output ] arg (=STDOUT)
        The output SAM file (may be omitted for stdout).

  -r [ --extract-genomic-region ] arg
        defines a region as a half-open interval 'chr,from,to'.

        Keep local duplicates of DNB mappings.All the output SAM records will 
        be marked as not primary if this option is used.

        Generate interval id and allele id tags.

        Skip not mapped records

        Generate mate sequence and score tags.

        Inconsistent mappings are normally converted as single arm mappings 
        with no mate information provided. If the option is used map2sam will 
        mate unique single arm mappings in SAM including those on different 
        stands and chromosomes. To distinguish these "artificially" mated 
        records a tag "XS:i:1" is used. The MAPQ provided for these records is 
        a single arm mapping weight.

        works like add-mate-sequence, but is applied to inconsistent mappings 

        report only the best mappings

  --consistent-mapping-range arg (=1300)
        limit the maximum distance between consistent mates

    0.3 or later


    join - Joins two tab-delimited files based on equal fields or overlapping regions.

    Joins two tab-delimited files based on equal fields or overlapping regions.
    By default, an output record is produced for each match found between file 
    A and file B, but output format can be controlled by the --output-mode 

  -h [ --help ] 
        Print this help message.

        This is a beta command. To run this command, you must pass the --beta 

  --input arg
        File name to use as input (may be passed in as arguments at the end of 
        the command), or omitted for stdin). There must be exactly two input 
        files to join. If only one file is specified by name, file A is taken 
        to be stdin and file B is the named file. File B is read fully into 
        memory, and file A is streamed. File A's columns appear first in the 

  --output arg (=STDOUT)
        The output file name (may be omitted for stdout).

  --match arg
        A match specification, which is a column from A and a column from B 
        separated by a colon.

  --overlap arg
        Overlap specification. An overlap specification consists of a range 
        definition for files A and B, separated by a colon. A range definition 
        may be two columns, in which case they are interpreted as the beginning
        and end of the range. Or it may be one column, in which case the range 
        is defined as the 1-base range starting at the given value. The records
        from the two files must overlap in order to be considered for output. 
        Two ranges are considered to overlap if the overlap is at least one 
        base long, or if one of the ranges is length 0 and the ranges overlap 
        or abut. For example, "begin,end:offset" will match wherever end-begin 
        > 0, begin<offset+1, and end>offset, or wherever end-begin = 0, 
        begin<=offset+1, and end>=offset.

  -m [ --output-mode ] arg (=full)
        Output mode, one of the following:
            full        Print an output record for each match found between 
                        file A and file B.
            compact     Print at most one record for each record of file A, 
                        joining the file B values by a semicolon and 
                        suppressing repeated B values and empty B values.
            compact-pct Same as compact, but for each distinct B value, 
                        annotate with the percentage of the A record that is 
                        overlapped by B records with that B value. Percentage 
                        is rounded up to nearest integer.

  --overlap-mode arg (=strict)
        Overlap mode, one of the following:
            strict                Range A and B overlap if A.begin < B.end and 
                                  B.begin < A.end.
            allow-abutting-points Range A and B overlap they meet the strict 
                                  requirements, or if A.begin <= B.end and 
                                  B.begin <= A.end and either A or B has zero 

  --select arg (=A.*,B.*)
        Set of fields to select for output.

  -a [ --always-dump ] 
        Dump every record of A, even if there are no matches with file B.

  --overlap-fraction-A arg (=0)
        Minimum fraction of A region overlap for filtering output.

  --boundary-uncertainty-A arg (=0)
        Boundary uncertainty for overlap filtering. Specifically, records 
        failing the following predicate are filtered away: overlap >= 
        overlap-fraction-A * ( A-range-length - boundary-uncertainty-A )

  --overlap-fraction-B arg (=0)
        Minimum fraction of B region overlap for filtering output.

  --boundary-uncertainty-B arg (=0)
        Boundary uncertainty for overlap filtering. Specifically, records 
        failing the following predicate are filtered away: overlap >= 
        overlap-fraction-B * ( B-range-length - boundary-uncertainty-B )



    junctiondiff - Reports difference between junction calls of Complete Genomics junctions files.

    junctiondiff takes two junction files A and B as input and produces the 
    following output:
      - "diff-inputFileName" - the junctions from an input file A that are not 
        present in input file B.
      - "report.txt" - a brief summary report (if --statout is used)
    Two junctions are considered equivalent if:
      - they come from different files
      - left and right positions of one junction are not more than "--distance"
        bases apart from the corresponding positions of another junction
      - the junction scores are equal or above the scoreThreshold
      - they are on the same strands

  -h [ --help ] 
        Print this help message.

        This is a beta command. To run this command, you must pass the --beta 

  -s [ --reference ] arg
        Reference file.

  -a [ --junctionsA ] arg
        input junction file A.

  -b [ --junctionsB ] arg
        input junction file B.

  -A [ --scoreThresholdA ] arg (=10)
        score threshold value for the input file A.

  -B [ --scoreThresholdB ] arg (=0)
        score threshold value for the input file B.

  -d [ --distance ] arg (=200)
        Max distance between coordinates of potentially compatible junctions.

  -l [ --minlength ] arg (=500)
        Minimum deletion junction length to be included into the difference 

  -o [ --output-prefix ] arg
        The path prefix for all the output reports.

  -S [ --statout ] 
        (Debug) Report various input file statistics. Experimental feature.

    1.5 or later


    junctions2events - Groups and annotates junction calls by event type.

    This tool searches for groups of related junctions and for every group 
    attempts to determine the event that caused the junctions. For example, 
    isolated strand-consistent intrachromosomal junction is likely to be caused
    by a deletion event.
    Every junction in the file specified by "junctions" parameter will be 
    annotated. Optionally, the tool can search for the related junctions in a 
    larger list of junctions specified by "all-junctions" parameter. For 
    example, one may use the high confidence junction file to restrict the list
    of events to ones that contain at least one high-confidence junction, while
    using the complete list of all junctions to make sure that even 
    low-confidence junctions will be taken into account when grouping the 
    junctions and determining the event type.
    The output consists of two files, [prefix]AnnotatedJunctions.tsv and 
    [prefix]Events.tsv. The annotated junction file contains the junctions from
    the primary input file annotated by the following columns:
        EventId           Integer id that links the junction file to the event 
        Type              Type of the event that caused the junction
        RelatedJunctions  Semicolon-separated list of other junctions that were
                          grouped with this junction
    The event list file contains the following columns:
        EventId     Unique id of the event
        Type        Type of the event. One of the following values:
            artifact  caused by a flaw in the reference
            complex   event involves multiple junctions and doesn't fit the 
                      pattern of any simple event type
            deletion  deletion of the sequence described by the Origin columns
            tandem-duplication tandem duplication of the origin sequence
            probable-inversion inversion of the origin sequence that is 
                               confirmed from one side of the inversion only
            inversion inversion of the origin sequence replacing the sequence 
                      described by the Destination columns, confirmed from both
            distal-duplication copy of the origin sequence into the area 
                               described by the Destination columns
            distal-duplication-by-mobile-element copy of the origin sequence 
                                                 caused by a known active 
                                                 mobile element
            interchromosomal isolated junction between different chromosomes; 
                             Origin and Destination columns describe the 
                             reference loci that are brought together by this 
        RelatedJunctionIds Semicolon-separated list of the junctions related to
                           this event.
        MatePairCounts Semicolon-separated list that contains the read count 
                       for every related junction.
        FrequenciesInBaselineGenomeSet Semicolon-separated list that contains 
                                       the frequency in the baseline set of 
                                       genomes for every related junction.
        OriginRegion[...] Description of the origin sequence of the event; the 
                          exact semantics of "origin" depend on the event type.
        DestinationRegion[...] Description of the destination region for the 
        DisruptedGenes List of all genes that contain one or more of the 
                       locations of the junctions grouped to this event.
        ContainedGenes For the events that duplicate or remove regions of 
                       sequence, this column contains the list of genes fully 
                       contained within the deleted or copied region.
        GeneFusions List of possible gene fusions described as GeneA/GeneB, and
                    fusions of regulatory sequence of one gene to another gene,
                    described as TSS-UPSTREAM[GeneA]/GeneB.
        RelatedMobileElement For the duplication events caused by a mobile 
                             element, this column contain the description of 
                             the element in Family:Name:DivergencePercent 
                             format, for example "L1:L1HS:0.5".
        MobileElement[...] Location of the mobile element
    All sequence intervals are described using zero-based, half-open 
    Repeat and gene data files necessary to run this command can be downloaded 
    from the Complete Genomics site:

  -h [ --help ] 
        Print this help message.

        This is a beta command. To run this command, you must pass the --beta 

  --reference arg
        Reference file.

  --output-prefix arg
        The path prefix for all output reports.

  --junctions arg
        Primary input junction file.

  --all-junctions arg
        Superset of the input junction file to use when searching for the 
        related junctions. The default is to use only the junctions in the 
        primary junction file.

  --repmask-data arg
        The file that contains repeat masker data.

  --gene-data arg
        The file that contains gene location data.

  --regulatory-region-length arg (=7500)
        Length of the region upstream of the gene that may contain regulatory 
        sequence for the gene. Junctions that connect this region to another 
        gene will be annotated as a special kind of gene fusion.

  --contained-genes-max-range arg (=-1)
        Maximum length of a copy or deletion event to annotate with all genes 
        that overlap the copied or deleted segment. Negative value causes all 
        events to be annotated regardless of the length.

  --max-related-junction-distance arg (=700)
        Junctions occurring within this distance are presumed to be related.

  --max-pairing-distance arg (=10000000)
        When searching for paired junctions caused by the same event, maximum 
        allowed distance between junction sides.

  --max-copy-target-length arg (=1000)
        Pairs of junctions will be classified as a copy event only if the 
        length of the implied copy target region is below this threshold.

  --max-simple-event-distance arg (=10000000)
        When given a choice of explaining an event as a mobile element copy or 
        as a simple deletion/duplication, prefer the latter explanation if the 
        length of the affected sequence if below this threshold.

  --mobile-element-names arg (=L1HS,SVA)
        Comma-separated list of the names of the mobile elements that are known
        to be active and sometimes copy flanking 3' sequence.

  --max-distance-to-m-e arg (=2000)
        When searching for a mobile element related to a junction, maximum 
        allowed distance from the junction side to the element.

  --max-related-junction-output arg (=100)
        Maximum number of related junctions included into annotation field

    1.5 or later


    generatemastervar - Converts a variation file to a one-line-per-locus format.

    The output file contains one line for each locus in the input variation 
    file. The following columns are always present:
        locus           Locus ID, as in the input file.
        chromosome      The name of the chromosome.
        begin           The first base of the locus interval, 0-based.
        end             The first base past the locus interval, 0-based.
        zygosity        One of the following values:
            no-call         both alleles contain no-calls
            half            one allele fully called
            hap             haploid region
            hom             homozygous region
            het-ref         heterozygous region, one allele is reference
            het-alt         heterozygous region, neither allele is reference
        varType         For simple loci, one of "ref", "snp", "del", "ins" or 
                        "sub". For more complex regions, "complex".
        reference       Reference sequence, or "=" for pure reference or pure 
                        no call regions.
        allele1Seq      Sequence of the first allele, may contain "?" or "N" 
                        characters for unknown-length and known-length 
                        no-calls, respectively.
        allele2Seq      Sequence of the second allele.
        allele1VarScoreVAF  The varScoreVAF of the first allele. For pre-2.0 
                            var files, which have totalScore instead of 
                            varScoreVAF, this column is filled in with 
                            totalScore. For the loci that contain multiple 
                            calls, this is the minimum score across all calls.
        allele2VarScoreVAF  The varScoreVAF of the first allele. For pre-2.0 
                            var files, which have totalScore instead of 
                            varScoreVAF, this column is filled in with 
                            totalScore. For the loci that contain multiple 
                            calls, this is the minimum score across all calls.
        allele1VarScoreEAF  The varScoreEAF of the first allele. For pre-2.0 
                            var files, which have totalScore instead of 
                            varScoreEAF, this column is filled in with 
                            totalScore. For the loci that contain multiple 
                            calls, this is the minimum score across all calls.
        allele2VarScoreEAF  The varScoreEAF of the first allele. For pre-2.0 
                            var files, which have totalScore instead of 
                            varScoreEAF, this column is filled in with 
                            totalScore. For the loci that contain multiple 
                            calls, this is the minimum score across all calls.
        allele1VarFilter    The varFilter of the first allele. For pre-2.0 var 
                            files, which do not have a varQuality column, this 
                            field is empty. For multiple calls, this is the 
                            union of varFilters across all calls.
        allele2VarFilter    The varFilter of the second allele. For pre-2.0 var
                            files, which do not have a varQuality column, this 
                            field is empty. For multiple calls, this is the 
                            union of varFilters across all calls.
        allele1HapLink  Haplink ID of the first allele. Alleles with the same 
                        ID are known to reside on the same haplotype.
        allele2HapLink  Haplink ID of the second allele.
    The allele to be placed first is chosen according to the following priority
        fully called variant allele;
        fully called reference allele;
        partially called allele;
        completely no-called allele.
    In addition to the mandatory columns above, various annotation columns can 
    be added to the file using "annotations" parameter. The supported 
    annotation sources and the corresponding additional columns are listed 
        copy             Adds column "xRef" that contains a concatenation of 
                         all dbSNP annotations for this locus from the input 
                         variant file. If the source file is already in 
                         one-line-per-locus format, also copies over all other 
                         annotations already present in the source.
        evidence         Adds columns:
            evidenceIntervalId   ID of the corresponding evidence interval.
            allele1ReadCount     Number of evidence reads that support the 
                                 first allele
            allele2ReadCount     Number of evidence reads that support the 
                                 second allele
            referenceAlleleReadCount Number of evidence reads that support the 
            totalReadCount       Total number of evidence reads that overlap 
                                 the locus. This includes reads that don't show
                                 strong support for either of the called 
        ref              Adds column "minReferenceScore" that contains the 
                         minimum value of the reference score over the locus 
                         interval extended by one base in either direction. Off
                         by default.
        gene             Adds columns "allele1Gene" and "allele2Gene" that 
                         contain summarized information about the overlap and 
                         impact on known genes. Derived from the gene 
                         annotation in the CGI data package.
        ncrna            Adds column "miRBaseId" that contains summarized 
                         information about overlap with non-coding RNA. Derived
                         from the ncRNA file in the CGI data package.
        repeat           Adds column "repeatMasker" that contains information 
                         about the repeats overlapping the locus. Requires a 
                         data file available from the Complete Genomics site: 
        segdup           Adds column "segDupOverlap" that contains the number 
                         segmental duplications overlapping the locus. Requires
                         a data file available from Complete Genomics site: 
        cnv              Adds the cnvDiploid, cnvNondiploid and (if present) 
                         cnvSomNondiploid annotations (described below), as 
                         available in the CGI data package.
        cnvDiploid       Adds columns "relativeCoverageDiploid" and 
                         "calledPloidy" derived from the diploid CNV call 
                         details in the CGI data package.
        cnvNondiploid    Adds columns "relativeCoverageNondiploid", 
                         "calledLevel", and, if present, "bestLAFsingle", 
                         "lowLAFsingle", and "highLAFsingle" columns derived 
                         from the nondiploid CNV call details in the CGI data 
        cnvSomNondiploid Adds columns "relativeCoverageSomaticNondiploid", and 
                         "somaticCalledLevel" columns derived from the somatic 
                         nondiploid CNV call details in the CGI data package.  
                         Additionally, "bestLAFpaired", "lowLAFpaired", and 
                         "highLAFpaired" columns will be added, based on 
                         columns with the same name, or, in the case of older 
                         data packages, "bestLAF", "lowLAF", and "highLAF".
        fisherSomatic   Adds column "fisherSomaticScore" that contains an 
                        alternative score indicating confidence in a somatic 
                        variant call.  The score is computed using one-tailed 
                        Fisher's Exact Test on counts of reads supporting alt 
                        and reference alleles in the baseline and non-baseline 
                        samples.  The given score is intended to have a 
                        PHRED-like interpretation of -10*log10(probability of 
                        an erroneous call), though details of the count 
                        tabulation make the intended calibration only 
    The column groups are added in the order they are listed in the 
    "annotations" command line parameter. By default the tool will attempt to 
    add all annotations. For older data packages that do not contain some of 
    the necessary files remove the corresponding annotation source from the 

  -h [ --help ] 
        Print this help message.

        This is a beta command. To run this command, you must pass the --beta 

  --reference arg
        The reference crr file.

  --output arg (=STDOUT)
        The output file (may be omitted for stdout).

  --variants arg
        The input variant file.

  --annotations arg (=copy,evidence,gene,ncrna,repeat,segdup,cnv)
        Comma-separated list of annotations to add to each line.

  --genome-root arg
        The genome directory, for example /data/GS00118-DNA_A01; this directory
        is expected to contain an intact ASM subdirectory.

  --repmask-data arg
        The file that contains repeat masker data.

  --segdup-data arg
        The file that contains segdup data.

    0.3 or later


    varfilter - Copies input var file or masterVar file to output, applying specified filters.

    Copies input var file or masterVar file to output, applying specified 
    filters (which are available to all cgatools commands that read a var file 
    or masterVar file as input). Filters are specified by appending the filter 
    specification to the var file name on the command line. For example:
    The preceding example filters out any calls marked as VQLOW. The filter 
    specification follows the "#" sign, and consists of a list of filters to 
    apply, separated by a comma. Each filter is a colon-separated list of call 
    selectors. Any scored call that passes all the colon-separated call 
    selectors for one or more of the comma-separated filters is turned into a 
    no-call. The following call selectors are available:
        hom            Selects only calls in homozygous loci.
        het            Selects any scored call not selected by the hom 
        varType=XX     Selects calls whose varType is XX.
        varScoreVAF<XX Selects calls whose varScoreVAF<XX.
        varScoreEAF<XX Selects calls whose varScoreEAF<XX.
        varQuality!=XX (Pre-2.4.0 var files) Selects calls whose varQuality is 
                       not XX.
        varFilter!=XX  Selects calls whose varFilter is not XX.
        varFilter contains XX|YY Selects calls whose varFilter contains XX or 
    Here is an example that filters homozygous SNPs with varScoreVAF < 25 and 
    heterozygous insertions with varScoreEAF < 50:

  -h [ --help ] 
        Print this help message.

        This is a beta command. To run this command, you must pass the --beta 

  --reference arg
        The reference crr file.

  --input arg
        The input var file or masterVar file (typically with filters 

  --output arg (=STDOUT)
        The output file (may be omitted for stdout).

    0.3 or later


    mkvcf - Converts var file(s) or masterVar file(s) to VCF.

    Converts var file(s) or masterVar file(s) to VCF.

  -h [ --help ] 
        Print this help message.

        This is a beta command. To run this command, you must pass the --beta 

  --reference arg
        The reference crr file.

  --output arg (=STDOUT)
        The output file (may be omitted for stdout).

        Comma-separated list of field names. By default, all fields are 
        included, but you may override this option to ensure only a subset of 
        the fields is included in the VCF output. For a description of each 
        field, see the cgatools user guide.

  --source-names arg (=masterVar,CNV,SV,MEI)
        Comma-separated list of source names. The following source names are 
          masterVar - Includes records extracted from the masterVar file.
          CNV       - Includes CNV-related records.
          SV        - Includes records derived from junctions files.
          MEI       - Includes records describing mobile element insertions.
        Some of these source types are only available for more recent pipeline 
        versions, and some of these source types do not support multi-genome 
        VCFs. For more information about which source types are available for 
        which versions of the Complete Genomics pipeline software, see the 
        cgatools user guide.

  --genome-root arg
        For each genome to include in the VCF, the genome root directory, for 
        example /data/GS00118-DNA_A01; this directory is expected to contain 
        the ASM and LIB subdirectories, for example. You must supply this 
        option for each genome in the VCF, unless you are using 
        --source-names=masterVar and you have specified the --master-var option
        for each genome in the VCF.

  --master-var arg
        For each genome to include in the VCF, the masterVar file. If 
        genome-roots parameter is given, this parameter defaults to the 
        masterVar in the given genome-root.

        Small variants VCF records include loci that have no 
        reference-inconsistent calls.

  --calibration-root arg
        The directory containing calibration data. For example, there should 
        exist a file calibration-root/0.0.0/metrics.tsv. This option is only 
        required if CGA_CEHQ or CGA_CEGL are included in the --field-names 

  --junction-file arg
        For each genome to include in the VCF, the junctions file. If 
        genome-roots parameter is given, this parameter defaults to the 
        respective junctions file in the export directory.

  --junction-score-threshold arg (=10)
        Junction score thresholds (discordant mate pair count).

  --junction-side-length-threshold arg (=70)
        Junction side length threshold.

  --junction-distance-tolerance arg (=200)
        Distance tolerance for junction compatibility.

  --junction-length-threshold arg (=500)
        Length threshold for compatible junctions.

        Normal junction priority for vcf output.

        use high confidence junctions for tumors.

    0.3 or later