File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
Allele.hpp [code]
AlleleDiffSegment.hpp [code]
BaseUtil.hpp [code]File containing definition of the BaseUtil class
Call.hpp [code]
CallDiff.hpp [code]
CallDiffResult.hpp [code]
CgiData.hpp [code]
ChromosomeIdField.hpp [code]
Command.hpp [code]File containing definition of the Command class
CompactDnaSequence.hpp [code]File containing definitions CompactDnaSequence class
core.hpp [code]First header included by all source files
Crr2Fasta.hpp [code]
CrrFile.hpp [code]File containing definitions CrrFile class
CrrFileWriter.hpp [code]File containing definition of the CrrFileWriter class
DecodeCrr.hpp [code]
DelimitedFile.hpp [code]
DelimitedLineParser.hpp [code]File containing definitions of DelimitedLineParser and general purpose DelimitedFieldParsers
Evidence2Sam.hpp [code]
EvidenceReader.hpp [code]
Exception.hpp [code]File containing Exception class and assertion macros
Fasta2Crr.hpp [code]
ListCrr.hpp [code]
ListVariants.hpp [code]
Locus.hpp [code]
mainpage.hpp [code]File containing documentation for the doxygen main page
Map2Sam.hpp [code]
Md5.hpp [code]File containing Md5 class for computing md5 checksums
parse.hpp [code]File containing general purpose functions parsing strings
PhasedAllele.hpp [code]
PhasedHypothesis.hpp [code]
range.hpp [code]File containing definitions of Location and Range classes
RangeSet.hpp [code]File containing definitions of RangeSet class
ReferenceSupportReader.hpp [code]
SnpDiff.hpp [code]
Streams.hpp [code]File containing definitions of InputStream, OutputStream, CompressedInputStream, and CompressedOutputStream
Superlocus.hpp [code]
SuperlocusIterator.hpp [code]
TestVariants.hpp [code]
VariantFileIterator.hpp [code]
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